Christine Guldbrandsen has both internationally and nationally made herself noticed. She is best known for her strong voice, a voice that often is described as angelic and crystal clear. She released her first album ”Surfing in the air” in 2003. The album sold to gold within three weeks, and was heavily exposed on radio. But her career didn’t start with the first album. When Christine was just three years old, her talent was discovered when she was singing in local children’s choir, and soon afterwards she performed at TV-shows and live performances, capturing the audience with her strong voice.
Christine Guldbrandsen debuterte med albumet Surfing in the air i 2003, noe som resulterte i gullplate og mer enn 25.000 solgte eksemplarer etter bare tre uker på salgslistene.Men karrieren startet ikke der- allerede som 3-åring viste Christine at hun hadde et stort talent for sang, først i Laksevåg Kirkes barnekor og deretter gjennom en lang rekke opptredener både på TV og scene. I 2000 var hun bl.a. med på den storstilte åpningen av Bergen som europeisk kulturby, da mer enn 40.000 bergensere, kongeparet og en rekke prominente gjester fikk oppleve henne og trompetist Ole Edvard Antonsen fremføre Vitae Lux.
” Music is an extremely important part of who I am and, I can’t imagine how my life would be if I didn’t have the possibility to express myself through music. I am so privileged and grateful to be able to do what I love the most, and to be able to share my music with an audience ”

” Music is an extremely important part of who I am and, I can’t imagine how my life would be if I didn’t have the possibility to express myself through music. I am so privileged and grateful to be able to do what I love the most, and to be able to share my music with an audience ”
” Music is an extremely important part of who I am and, I can’t imagine how my life would be if I didn’t have the possibility to express myself through music. I am so privileged and grateful to be able to do what I love the most, and to be able to share my music with an audience ”

” Music is an extremely important part of who I am and, I can’t imagine how my life would be if I didn’t have the possibility to express myself through music. I am so privileged and grateful to be able to do what I love the most, and to be able to share my music with an audience ”